Sentencing has been delayed yet again for Stephanie Barnes — the former Casino Control Commission contractor convicted in December 2021 of conspiracy to commit theft from programs receiving federal funds — this time to await new sentencing guidelines for non-violent, first-time offenders that are set to go into effect on Nov. 1.
Barnes’ sentencing was scheduled to take place this Friday, but at a hearing last week District Court Chief Judge Robert Molloy agreed to the delay.
“During a portion of the hearing, the Court addressed the new amendment to the sentencing guidelines, Section 4C1.1, and inquired into whether the proposed amendment would apply to Defendant Stephanie Barnes,” Molloy wrote in his order after Thursday’s hearing.
Barnes’ court-appointed attorney Miguel Oppenheimer — who at the end of the same hearing was permitted to withdraw from the case after Barnes effectively fired him last month — “indicated that he believed the provision would likely apply in Barnes’ case. Seeing as the amendment is not scheduled to go into effect until November 1, 2023, Barnes requested, orally, that her sentencing hearing be continued until after November 1, 2023, to ensure she receives any potential benefits from the anticipated guidelines changes,” said Molloy.