VI News Reporter 3 years ago
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Freshman Senator Advances Legislation as sole sponsor: Unanimously supported

ST. THOMAS, USVI – Senator Alma Francis Heyliger achieved a major milestone in her inaugural campaign as a lawmaker. On Friday, June 25, 2021, before the Committee on Rules & Judiciary the freshman lawmaker tackled legislation she single-handedly introduced and got it advanced to the full body as the sole author. Bill No. 34-0037 was introduced by Senator Francis Heyliger. An Act amending Title 15 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 3, section 89, subsections (b) and (c) relating to decedents estates and payment of certain debts without administration to increase the aggregate amount that a surviving spouse may receive from debtors upon the death of the creditor and to increase the amount of debt a debtor must pay the survivors of a decedent creditor not less than thirty days after the creditor’s death from not more than $5000 to not more than $10,000. When asked about the process of discovering this piece of legislation Senator Francis Heyliger recalled, “Years ago I came across this legislation on the books of the V.I. Code from personal experience. A family member was going through the court system with this issue and having a very difficult time. Keep in mind this was some 20 plus years ago.” With inflation and the cost of living while doing business in the territory is totally different than what it was in the past. Francis Heyliger fought to increase payment amounts. Subsection (b) requires the debtor upon the death of the creditor, forthwith to “pay to the surviving spouse of the decedent not more than one thousand ($1000) dollars of the debt, upon an affidavit made by such spouse showing that such payment and all other payments received by such spouse under the subsection do not in the aggregate exceed $5,000.” The bill requires this agreement amount the surviving spouse may receive to be raised to $10,000.

Subsection (c) currently requires that not less than thirty days after the death of a creditor, the debtor pays not more than $5,000 of the survivors of the creditor. The bill raises the $5,000 limit to $10,000.

When asked how she felt about the passage of the measure the freshman lawmaker gave this response. “I just really wanted the measure to pass,” Francis Heyliger said. “I will have a more in-depth response when it goes to the full body for further consideration.” The bill not only passed but was voted out unanimously by all seven members of the Rules & Judiciary Committee. Those members are Senators Milton Potter, Chairman, Kenneth Gittens, Vice Chairman, Novelle Francis, Carla Joseph, Franklin Johnson, Steven Payne, Sr. and Genevieve Whitaker.


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