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Fire Services Headlines upcoming Finance Budget Hearing

VI News Corespondent

The Virgin Islands Fire Services is scheduled to appear before the Finance Committee of the 34th Legislature on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. at the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall on St. Thomas. The committee will receive testimony from Director Daryl George on the proposed Fiscal Year 2022 Executive Budget for the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States.

In a preview of Director George's testimony, he touched on a myriad of issues affecting the department, toted some major accomplishments, and outline the direction going forward for the agency. "The budget as I see it needs to be a little higher," Director George said. "I would like to see a lot more money for training and equipment. Specifically for training that would require at least a million dollars more."

A major issue of concern is the proposed merger of the Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services. "The problem is that right now we are paying Pafford some millions of dollars through the CARES Act for paramedics, Director George said. "If we can circumvent that cost and get the advanced EMTs locally to the paramedic level it is the more EMTs we would have to execute the integration."

Director George acknowledges that the merger is a big challenge and difficult to execute. " While the budget is a slight increase from the previous year's budget it is not to the level which the integration calls for," George said. "Under my leadership, I intend to go after some 15 Federal Grants that we are unable to apply for because the Grant Application calls for Fire Service and EMS. The two are attached and my agency alone does not qualify."

Director George remained optimistic in relaying the importance and necessity of the merger. "Once the Legislature understands and we come to a consensus on a scale of 1-10 this will be a 10 for the community, George expressed with emphasis.

Looking at short-term plans the Fire Services will be utilizing the former Hotel Company fire station to place an ambulance along with placing one at the Lima company station in Tutu to enhance the department's strategic plans. The sister island district of St. Croix can look forward to a new fire station being built at the Grove location, the busiest facility on St. Croix. With the rapid rates of calls to that station Director, George was forced to reassign personnel from Christiansted to Frederiksted.

Fire Service Director Daryl George

In addition to the Fire Services presentation of their budget, the Virgin Islands Territorial Management Agency (VITEMA) led by Director Daryl Jaschen will also present their budget proposal.

Rounding out the day of testimony will be Executive Director, Donald Cole to present the budget for the Virgin Islands Public Services Commission.

VITEMA Director Daryl Jaschen

PSC Executive Director Donald Cole


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